Ssu72 Results

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BLAST results

Running a protein BLAST search on the Drosophila Ssu72 protein returned a large number of highly relevant (bit score > 200) sequences that were of a very similar length (see Figure 1). However, the first 27 of those sequences were not considered relevant for a number of reasons. For instance, some were simply homologous proteins in other types of closely related Drosophila that had been identified in a similar manner to this one and for which there were no PubMed publications available and therefore no useful information; others had similarly not been functionally characterised by experimentation or structural analysis; and some were merely hypothetical proteins. The first relevant protein identified was 'SSU72 RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase homolog (S. cerevisiae)', the human Ssu72 protein, which 

Literature review

melenogaster Abstract | Introduction | Results | Discussion | Conclusion | Method | References