LOC56985 results

A structural comparison search of the Danio rerio ortholog (2nxf) showed that the gene product had its greatest similarity to a phosphorhydrolase and to various purple acid phosphatases (figure 1). All of these protein matches showed little sequence similarity to the 2nxf however the Z-score of these proteins were significant based on the guide given on the Dali server that Z-scores below 2.5 are insignificant matches. The top hit, 2dxl-A, showed a Z-score of 24.1; other members in the top five matches again showed Z-scores of above 20. Dali works by fitting the two structures together and determining how far apart each of the atoms are from one another to give a root mean square deviation (rmsd), even in the lowest of the top 20 matches the rmsd is 3.0 or below.
Abstract | Introduction | Results | Discussion | Conclusion | Method | References