Fascin Discussion

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The multiple alignment of fascin 1 supports research conducted by Wulfkuhle (1993), concluding the fascin contains strong sequence similarities between human, sea urchin, and Drosophilia. Furthermore, Fascin 1 contains 4 conserved PKC phosphorylation sites across the Eukaryotes tested. However despite the findings of Mitchison (2004), Fascin 1 was found not to be closely related to Protozoa, and their use of actin in actin-dependant propulsion.

Across the Eukaryotes, Fascin 1 was highly conserved, particularly at the PKC phosphorylation sites. This shows that the sites contain important regions for functional and structural integrity.

The phylogenetic tree further illustrates the conservation of Facin 1 throughout the Eukaryotes. Although distant, the bootstrap values indicate that the Insecta and Animalia branches are closely related and supports Wulfkuhle (1993) conclusion that Drosophilia, Homo sapien and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus contain a fascin homolog. Fascin binds beta-catenin, a sub-unit of the cadherin protein complex and is important in Wnt signalling pathway and therefore is highly conserved throughout Eukaryotes. Fascin similiarties were found in Protozoa, however they are not closely related to Human fascin and perhaps have a common ancestor.